

Schools Policies and Regulations

Scholars should abide by the following school policies and regulations:

  • Acceptable Use Policy: [PDF]
  • Code of Student Conduct
  • Uniform Policy
    • Tops & Bottoms:
      Scholars in grades K-5 are required to wear a grey collared shirt and black khaki bottoms. Scholars in grades 6-8 are required to wear burgundy collared shirt and black khaki bottoms.
    • Footwear:
      Scholars are required to wear black shoes or sneakers.
    • Gym-wear:
      Scholars should wear a grey or burgundy t-shirt with black sweat pants or uniform pants. Sweat pants must be all black with no other color. Longstreth t-shirts will be available for the 2019-2020 school year and can be worn for gym class.
    • Notes on School Uniform:
      Uniform shirts must have a collar. Scholars should only wear plain grey/burgundy t-shirts when they have gym. Longstreth t-shirts will be available in the main office and school store for purchase beginning August 2019. The cost of the Longstreth t-shirts is $10.Parents who are having difficulties with their child ripping their khaki pants can get special permission from the school to wear black jean pants. The jean pant must be a solid black with no other color or design. Pants must be black meaning no off black or grey(ish) color will be accepted as uniform attire.

Early Dismissal

Please remember that if you are sending someone other than a parent to pick up your child, that person must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Be listed on the child’s school record
  • Have your permission in writing
  • Have identification

Otherwise, we cannot release your child.

Early dismissals will be announced on 6abc.com or KYW-1060AM. Listen to this radio station for current information.

Graduation and Promotion Requirements

Longstreth follows the School District of Philadelphia’s Official Guidelines when considering promotion, graduation, or retention of scholars in grades 1-8.


Success for All

To ensure that every child has a successful school experience, the School District of Philadelphia offers help to scholars experiencing academic, attendance, or behavioral obstacles to learning through the Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS). MTSS is available in every Philadelphia public school, including Longstreth. Please learn more about MTSS and how it can create a system of support within the school community for scholars and their families.

Emergency Contact Information

Please make sure you have completed an emergency contact form and given it to your child’s teacher.  It is important to update this form each time any phone number or address changes.  You can obtain a copy of the form from your child’s teacher or in the main office.

Longstreth Healthy Eating Policy

As part of a larger School District of Philadelphia effort, Longstreth has adopted a healthy eating policy.  Scholars are offered a balanced breakfast and lunch each day at school and recieve lessons in nutrition from our partner Eat Right Now!


You can help us enforce this healthy eating policy by sending only healthy drinks and foods with your child to school.  Examples of foods we will not allow scholars to consume at lunch:

  • Cookies
  • Soda and other sugary drinks
  • Potato chips, Cheese Curls, and other junk food
  • Candy

Teachers reserve the right to confiscate any food that falls under any of the categories listed above. If your child has special dietary needs, please make an appointment to speak with the school nurse.

Longstreth Policy on Electronic Devices

Scholars are not permitted to bring electronic equipment to school such as MP3 players and iPods, PSP players, cell phones, etc.  These will be confiscated.

Longstreth provides many electronic opportunities for scholars to gain 21st century skills, including three mobile laptop carts, laptop projectors, Smart Boards, digital cameras, and more.  Scholar just need to arrive ready to learn!

Longstreth ROAR MATRIX

At Longstreth, we encourage our scholars to R.O.A.R like a Longstreth Lion:

  • R- Respect Everyone
  • O- Own Your Actions
  • A- Act Responsibly
  • R- Rise to the Challenge

School Closings

School closings will be posted on the School District of Philadelphia website, as well as the Channel 6 Action News website.

School closings will also be announced on the KYW-1060 radio channel.


Homework is issued Monday through Thursday each week, and sometimes over the weekend, depending on the teacher.  Additionally, there are some longer range projects and reports.  Homework should review or expand upon the day’s class work. Contact the teacher if you do not see regular assignments being given. The time spent on completing regular homework assignments will vary according to grade level. Parents/guardians should feel free to assist the scholar if necessary, especially in K-3 grades. However, parents should not actually have to do the assignment.

Textbooks and School Materials

  • Scholars are responsible for assigned textbooks.
  • Texts will be issued by code numbers.
  • Lost textbooks or books damaged beyond normal usage will be the financial responsibility of the scholar’s family.
  • Scholars are expected to always have the appropriate textbooks.
  • Books issued for homework assignments are expected to be returned on a daily basis for checking.

Behavior Expectations and Consequences

Scholar expectations:

  • Attend all classes every day
  • Be on time every day
  • Bring a written excuse from parents for any missed school time
  • Complete all class and home assignments

Zero Tolerance Behaviors:

  • Fighting or destroying school property
  • Leaving class without permission from the teacher
  • Profanity and disrespect
  • Weapons of any kind


  • Loss of privileges
  • Phone call to parent
  • Accommodation room for “cooling off” period
  • Accommodation room for “In-School Suspension.”
  • Required Parent Conference
  • Out of School Suspension
  • Expulsion


Attention families: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that a school with certain exceptions obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, a school may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the school to the contrary in accordance with school district procedures.

Parents who wish to opt their students out of directory information releases must complete an Opt-Out Form for each of their students, and must return each form to the school at which each student is enrolled by December 13, 2024.

Find more information, including the forms you need HERE


Longstreth ATSI Title 1 School Plan _ 2024 – 2025