About Us

Our Vision

A professional learning community centered on student success, now and in the future.

Our Mission

Our mission is to fill the achievement gap and raise the achievement levels of our scholars. Our school community pledges to prepare and empower all scholars to achieve their full intellectual and social potential in order to become lifelong learners and productive members of society. Our school community is committed to our scholar’s growth through highly qualified and effective teachers, District-wide reforms, differentiated and rigorous instruction and collective efficacy.  Core Values:

  • Respect and Tolerance – Respect Everyone
  • Kindness and Compassion – Own Your Action
  • Responsibility – Act Responsibly
  • Citizenship – Rise to the Challenge

Points of Pride

Climate & Culture

  • Warm, safe and caring staff
  • Positive Behavior System ROAR {Respect Everyone-Own Your Actions-Act Responsibly-Rise to the Challenge}
  • Diverse Extra Curricular Activities
  • Intramural Sports –  Soccer and Football
  • Girls/Boys Basketball Team
  • Socialized Recess & Activity Room During Lunch
  • Game Room
  • Longstreth Movie Cinema
  • School Store
  • Restorative Action Center
  • Student Council
  • Peer Mediator
  • School Jobs {Environmentalists, Peer Mediators, Office Workers, Librarians,}
  • Creative Work Rosters for school jobs
  • Safety Program
  • Annual Career Day
  • Progressive Discipline System


  • Highly Qualified and Experienced Teachers
  • Interactive Classrooms w/ Smartboard
  • Full Functioning Library
  • Rigorous Instruction
  • Weekly 75min Common Planning & Professional Development Time for Teachers
  • Blended Learning Model
  • Small Group Instruction
  • 100 Book Challenges
  • Highly Qualified and Trained SSAs
  • School Based Teacher Leader
  • School-Based Leaders in Literacy, Math and Science
  • Technology Lab
  • Media Lab
  • One-to-One Chromebook for grades 6-8
  • Instrumental Music Instruction
  • After School Tutoring

Learn More About Us

  • You can access recent data, test scores, demographic information, and more about our school community by visiting our School Profile.


Breakfast will be served to scholars each morning beginning at 8:30 am.  During Breakfast Cafe scholars enjoy their breakfast while diving into their books. The atmosphere is set by teachers, and scholars get to read for fun!  Please ensure your scholars are on time each day to receive breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day!


In the case of inclement weather, scholars will be admitted through the main entrance beginning at 8:15am. Scholars will wait in the cafeteria for grades K-5 and auditorium for grades 6-8 with supervision from our Climate staff until their teachers to pick them up at 8:30am.

During dismissal, grades 1-3 will be located in the cafeteria for parent pick up.



We are asking Parents and Scholars to Rise to the Challenge of coming to school everyday on time. If scholars must miss school, we challenge you to keep your absences under “8” absences for the school year. When scholars are absent more than 8 days, learning is impacted! Scholars enter the “Red Zone” for academic achievement. This means your child is approaching being in danger of failing. Attend our parent meetings for more information.

Our Resources

  • Library with computers
  • Chromebook Carts
  • New Smart Boards in each classroom
  • Newly renovated gymnasium
  • Instrumental music program
  • Consortium in-school services
  • SAC
  • Eat Right Now!